Right way to close HttpsURLConnetion using try with resources in java 8

HttpsURLConnection does not implement the AutoCloseable interface in Java 8 or later versions.
Since HttpsURLConnection does not implement AutoCloseable, you cannot use it directly in a try-with-resources block. However, you can create a wrapper class that implements AutoCloseable and encapsulates the HttpsURLConnection object, and then use the wrapper class in a try-with-resources block.
Here's an example of how to create a wrapper class for HttpsURLConnection that implements AutoCloseable:

public class HttpsURLConnectionWrapper implements AutoCloseable {

    private final HttpsURLConnection connection;

    public HttpsURLConnectionWrapper(URL url) throws IOException {
        connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();

    public HttpsURLConnection getConnection() {
        return connection;

    public void close() throws IOException {

In this example, the HttpsURLConnectionWrapper class encapsulates the HttpsURLConnection object and implements the close() method to disconnect the connection. You can use this wrapper class in a try-with-resources block like this:

try (HttpsURLConnectionWrapper connectionWrapper = new HttpsURLConnectionWrapper(url)) {
    HttpsURLConnection connection = connectionWrapper.getConnection();
    // Use the connection here
} catch (IOException e) {
    // Handle the exception here

In this example, the HttpsURLConnectionWrapper object is created inside the try-with-resources block and automatically closed when the block exits. The getConnection() method returns the underlying HttpsURLConnection object, which can be used in the try block. When the block exits, the close() method is called on the wrapper object, which disconnects the connection.


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